Sunday, October 5, 2008


Oct 05, 2008

You should find that you have an extra amount of creative energy at this time, dear Capricorn, and you should do what you can to make this force work for you. There is a time and space for everything, and now is the time to work together with your higher self to channel some of the artist within you. Don't let your self-doubt keep you from using the creative force that is brewing inside you.

You may have been a bit indecisive lately when it comes to love and romance, dear Aquarius. Perhaps your mind is drawn to one person while your heart is drawn to another. Perhaps you are trying to trick your mind into seeing a certain quality about someone while you ignore parts of them you don't really like as well. Make sure you accept people for all of who they are, and not just their individual parts.

You are apt to find yourself in a romantic mode today, dear Pisces. Your whole persona is apt to revolve around love and romance, and you will find that your romantic side is heightened. This is a terrific day to snuggle up close to a loved one and share intimate moments and passionate kisses. Pamper yourself with a hot bath, then feel free to take on the town.

Feel free to strike out into some new territory today, dear Aries, especially when it comes to issues regarding love and romance. It could be that you are so scared of losing what you have, that you refuse to take risks to obtain something that you don't have. Realize that you will never get any further than the rut you are in until you take a deep breath, aim high, and shoot for your dreams.

Things regarding love and romance may be climactic for you at this time, dear Taurus, and you may find yourself bumping heads with someone in such a way that makes it difficult for either one of you to find contentment. More than likely, there is an issue of freedom versus control that is making it difficult for resolution to come. Perhaps you need to give a certain issue a break and come back to it at a later date.

You might find that you are taking a much more daring approach when it comes to love and romance at this time, dear Gemini. If you aren't, than maybe you should. You will never know what the possibilities could be until you at least give it a try. You may find that there is something spurring you on today. Use that impulse to initiate a new path towards the object of your desire.

Things should be going well for you today, dear Cancer, especially in the department of love and romance. Do not shy away from the obvious attraction that you have towards one special person. Today is the day to amplify that feeling instead of hiding from it. Show off your love with the brightest, boldest colors and actions possible. There is magic in the attention that you give and receive.

There may be too much fiery energy in the day to make you feel comfortable with the situation, dear Leo. Instead of trying to resist this powerful force, it would be better if you embraced it with both hands. Use this day to draw out some of your inner flame and let it radiate towards the people you care for the most. This is a day to take action on your feelings instead of just swallowing them without a word.

You may find that others are hostile towards you today, dear Virgo. Try not to take it personally. Realize that there are other people and situations with which you can connect that will help bolster your ego instead of drag it down. Make deeper connections with your loved one tonight by indulging in high-paced adventure fantasies. Shared experiences will be extremely rewarding at this time.

Put your incredible sensitivity to work for you today in such a way that inspires action, dear Libra. There is so much within you that needs expression at this time. Don't hold back any longer. When it comes to issues regarding love and romance, feel free to make a move. You may find yourself quite attracted to those who tickle your brain cells. Philosophical discussions will be quite rewarding.

Things should be going well for you today, so don't miss out on the opportunities that await you, dear Scorpio. There is a sparkle in your eye that is unmistakable, and you will find that issues regarding love and romance are especially potent. Love is on your side, and you should take this opportunity to delve deep into a love affair. Take a trip with the person or people you enjoy the most.

Do not let other people's insensitive actions dictate your mood today, dear Sagittarius. Your state of mind is your own responsibility, and you should work to come to a point at which you have full motor control over what you feel at all times. If something is not working out, let it go. This is not a good time to try to stick a square peg in a round hole.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008


my favorite game when I am bored.
come and join me


Today's Libra Horoscope: Oct 01, 2008

You may find that your emotions are difficult to deal with, dear Libra, especially later on in the day. Consider taking a more intellectual approach instead of an emotional one. Your feelings are apt to lead you into a drastic mood swing, from one side of the spectrum to the other, while the thing you really need right now - especially tonight - is balance. Tie up any loose ends to maintain more of equilibrium in your life.